Hey there! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m here to help you uncover your authentic self. To help you unfold the layers within you that resist, mask, & deprive, so that you can be a you-er you. Let me guide you through a yoga practice that connects you to your innate physical wisdom. Let’s weave in the dharma and messages that speak to your unique mind & heart at this unprecedented moment.

connection. intention. spirit.
As an RYT200 yoga instructor, I've taught regular, weekly power vinyasa classes in Denver since 2012. My classes focus on balancing both strength & flexibility in the body while awakening the authentic heart & present mind. With additional certifications in yoga sculpt and high-intensity pilates, I love integrating creative and informed strength-building into my sequences. It's always my goal that you leave my class feeling relaxed, connected, and balanced.
join me virtually for your accessible at-home sweat or practice on-demand with me anytime, anywhere!
receive monthly musings, inspirations, virtual class updates, freebies, & playlists

“The universe presents us with endless opportunities to synchronize our path with our truth.”
- jeff brown
For me, yoga is about seeking the place where body meets heart. Where physical meets spiritual. I believe our state of being is listening deeply when we move - what messages are you listening to? My classes focus on shaping this inner conversation while activating & relaxing the body.
one-on-one guidance [virtual or in-person]
Where the real curation begins. Looking for some one-on-one guidance? Working with a specific goal or injury? Wanting a safe and socially distant way to practice? Schedule a private class with me. I’m happy to accommodate your covid safety preferences. One-time or recurring available.
groups of 2-5 people [virtual or in-person]
Want to practice with your friends, family, or work team? Not comfortable with crowded studio environments, but miss the vibe of practicing with others? Let me guide you and your chosen tribe! Park, backyard, office, or virtual - we can move and groove wherever you choose. One-time or recurring available.
groups of 6-10 people [virtual or in-person]
Have a bigger space available, a special event, or more eager yogis to practice with? Let’s do it. For group sizes of 6-10 people. One-time or recurring available. Please inquire for groups of 11+